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Republicans are obsessed with our bodies

Two years ago, the right-wing Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade—which means that now abortion is illegal in 22 states. But that was only the beginning. If the Republican obsession with our bodies has its way, we’re gonna be looking at stuff like this:

You can’t travel to another place where abortion is legal.

Project 2025 would require states to report where women seeking abortions live. How very Big Brother of them!

You won’t be able to get a perfectly safe abortion drug.

Project 2025 would make it illegal to use Mifepristone, which the FDA okayed more than 20 years ago.

Birth control access will be shut down.

Project 2025 would allow health insurance companies to deny birth control by restoring the “Trump religious and moral exemptions to contraceptive mandate.”

In vitro fertilization will be illegal.

In February 2024, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that IVF was illegal, because embryos are children. We can expect more of this nonsense from these extremists who are truly obsessed with other people’s bodies.